State of the City Address Jodi Martin 2025-01-06 06:00:00Z 0

Highway Clean-Up

Spring Highway Clean-Up
78 degrees and an amazing group of Rotarians braved the suddenly hot, dry, and sunny Minnesota weather, to clean up a 1-mile section of the main entrance to our town at the end of the road. Meeting up at the North American Bear Center we geared up with last season's sunscreen, sturdy footwear - too hot for the weather, and fancy fashionable yellow reflective vests. Then headed out to the Rotary Club of Ely adopted section on Highway 169. 
Highway Clean-Up Lisa Ledel 2023-05-14 05:00:00Z 0

Presidents Message

Presidents Message

     Angela Campbell
As President of the Ely Minnesota Rotary Club, my first word to you is, "WELCOME!"
Whether you're a Rotarian visiting Ely from another city, or a current Ely Rotarian—or you're someone just beginning to be curious about Rotary and its fellowship and service opportunities, welcome. Please join us at any of our local luncheon meetings, where you'll meet men and women who are friends, neighbors, and business, professional, and community leaders—all coming together weekly with one vibrant intention: making our community and our world a better place.
Our local Ely Minnesota Rotary Club is one of over 33,000 Rotary clubs in more than 200 countries. Our Ely chapter is over 100 years old—and in that time we've held tightly to our mission of providing service to others, promoting integrity, and advancing community and world understanding and goodwill.
Please join us for our next luncheon meeting, held every Wednesday at noon–1:00 pm at the Grand Ely Lodge, 400 North Pioneer Road, Ely, MN. I look forward to greeting you myself, and introducing you to some of the best, most community-minded men and women our area has to offer.
Hope to see you there soon!
Angela Campbell
Rotary Club of Ely
Presidents Message Angela Campbell 2023-05-07 05:00:00Z 0
Ely Rotary Raffle Jodi Martin 2022-05-04 05:00:00Z 0
Ukraine Relief Donations Jodi Martin 2022-03-24 05:00:00Z 0

2021 Centennial Celebration, Annual Auction & Raffle

The Rotary Club of Ely will celebrate a century of service with an outdoor celebration in Ely's beautiful Whiteside Park on Saturday, August 14, 2021 from 11:30 am - 8:30 pm.  The celebration will include:
  • Food from JR's BBQ, Wilderness Wood Fire Pizza and Kettle Mania
  • Music from Pat and Donna Surface
  • Our 31st annual live and silent auction
  • The drawing for our $10,000 cash raffle
  • An adult beverage tent with beer, wine and mixed drinks
2021 Centennial Celebration, Annual Auction & Raffle Jodi Martin 2021-05-18 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary’s Response to the 1918 Flu Pandemic

An estimated 500 million people worldwide became infected. Many cities closed theaters and cinemas, and placed restrictions on public gatherings. Rotary clubs adjusted their activities while also helping the sick.

This is how Rotary responded to the influenza pandemic that began in 1918 and came in three waves, lasting more than a year.

The Rotary Club of Berkeley, California, USA, meets in John Hinkel Park during the 1918 flu pandemic.

Photo by Edwin J. McCullagh, 1931-32 club president. Courtesy of the Rotary Club of Berkeley.

Rotary’s Response to the 1918 Flu Pandemic 2020-11-05 06:00:00Z 0

Rotary at the Start of the United Nations

Rotary and the United Nations have a shared history of working toward peace and addressing humanitarian issues around the world.

During World War II, Rotary informed and educated members about the formation of the United Nations and the importance of planning for peace. Materials such as the booklet “From Here On!” and articles in The Rotarian helped members understand the UN before it was formally established and follow its work after its charter. 

Many countries were fighting the war when the term “United Nations” was first used officially in the 1942 “Declaration by United Nations.” The 26 nations that signed it pledged to uphold the ideals expressed by the United States and the United Kingdom the previous year of the common principles “on which they based their hopes for a better future for the world.” 


Rotary at the Start of the United Nations 2020-11-05 06:00:00Z 0

History of Women in Rotary

Women are active participants in Rotary, serving their communities in increasing numbers and serving in leadership positions in Rotary. The 1989 Council on Legislation vote to admit women into Rotary clubs worldwide remains a watershed moment in the history of Rotary.
 “My fellow delegates, I would like to remind you that the world of 1989 is very different to the world of 1905. I sincerely believe that Rotary has to adapt itself to a changing world,” said Frank J. Devlyn, who would go on to become RI president in 2000-01. 
The vote followed the decades-long efforts of men and women from all over the Rotary world to allow the admission of women into Rotary clubs, and several close votes at previous Council meetings.
History of Women in Rotary 2020-11-05 06:00:00Z 0

Young Inventor Eco-Friendly Bricks Come Full Circle

Every hero has an origin story. “I was 10 years old when the entire journey started,” explains Binish Desai. It began with a cartoon called Captain Planet, an animated TV series from the 1990s about an environmentalist with superpowers. Desai can still recite the show’s refrain: Captain Planet, he’s our hero / Gonna take pollution down to zero! “That tagline stuck in my mind,” he says. “I wanted to do something to help Captain Planet.”

Young Inventor Eco-Friendly Bricks Come Full Circle 2020-11-05 06:00:00Z 0

First Club in Philippines Opens Door to Rotary in Asia

In early 1919, Rotarian Roger Pinneo of Seattle, Washington, USA, traveled to the Philippines to try to organize a Rotary club in Manila. Leon J. Lambert, a Manila business leader helped Pinneo establish the club. Several months later, on 1 June 1919, the Rotary Club of Manila was chartered and became the first Rotary club in Asia.

The club would be the only one in the country for more than 12 years. Eventually, Manila club members organized Rotary clubs in the Philippine cities of Cebu (1932) and Iloilo (1933). Iloilo club members then started a club in Bacolod (1937), and Rotary continued to expand across the country.

First Club in Philippines Opens Door to Rotary in Asia 2020-11-05 06:00:00Z 0