Two crews cruising both sides of the road, and a driver keeping the volunteers supplied in bright yellow heavy-duty trash bags they got to work. With a record-breaking number of Rotarians volunteering, one hard working crew started at the South end, while a second crew of wild and fun folks started from the north end meeting up in the middle. Members braved wounds, a deer who'd been there way too long, ticks, bottles filled with who knows what, cigarette butts and an assortment of fast food and snack wrappers. This trusty crew did their appointed duty, making the world just a little better. Following the hot dusty tick filled job the crew met up with other Rotary members to relax, share a meal and stories of the evening's adventure and awards. Lindsay P. won the most ticks, Cathy C. the most unique find, and not to be left behind Jeff S. earned best driver, more fun prizes were distributed till the prize bag was empty. Keep an eye on the club events calendar for the Fun Fall Highway clean up. |