Whether you're a Rotarian visiting Ely from another city, or a current Ely Rotarian—or you're someone just beginning to be curious about Rotary and its fellowship and service opportunities, welcome. Please join us at any of our local luncheon meetings, where you'll meet men and women who are friends, neighbors, and business, professional, and community leaders—all coming together weekly with one vibrant intention: making our community and our world a better place.
Our local Ely Minnesota Rotary Club is one of over 33,000 Rotary clubs in more than 200 countries. Our Ely chapter is over 100 years old—and in that time we've held tightly to our mission of providing service to others, promoting integrity, and advancing community and world understanding and goodwill.
Please join us for our next luncheon meeting, held every Wednesday at noon–1:00 pm at the Grand Ely Lodge,
400 North Pioneer Road, Ely, MN. I look forward to greeting you myself, and introducing you to some of the best, most community-minded men and women our area has to offer.
Hope to see you there soon!
Angela Campbell
Rotary Club of Ely