Dec 13, 2023 12:00 PM
Todd Heiman, Ely Rotary Treasurer.
Changing World Financial Systems

In this presentation, I plan to discuss a few things that are changing in world financial systems that affect the United States.  I also plan to provide some history around each topic to give some context around the current changes.  The topics that I'm thinking of include:

  • What are Stablecoins?  What are their uses and why have they become popular around the world?  What problems do they solve?  Historical context:
    • How many currencies are there around the world
    • What does a person in a typical third world country experience with their currency?
  • Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)
    • What are they?
    • What are some possible benefits and consequences of their use
  • What is BRICS?  Why is it important?  Why is it expanding?  Historical context:  
    • When did the U.S. become the world reserve currency?
    • What happened with gold backing currencies around the world including the U.S. Dollar?
    • What does the term Petrodollar mean and why is it important?
    • What is a FIAT currency?
These topics ought to be plenty for this presentation.  I'll present others in the future if the audience finds this interesting.  

You can find the Zoom recording linked below.
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