“Yellow Butterfly” a powerful book, especially for families with a member with a mental illness.
May 22, 2024 12:00 PM
Bob Reichert, Duluth Club #25 Rotarian and Author.
“Yellow Butterfly” a powerful book, especially for families with a member with a mental illness.
Our presenter this week is Bob Reichert, Author, “Yellow Butterfly”, Book of Poetry.
“My late daughter, Dorrie, loved poetry, loved writing poetry, had a unique style for producing art and had a serious mental illness. To honor her request that her poetry survive her, I recently published a book of her poetry and art. The poetry largely reflects her mental illness. I wrote an Introduction. This is a powerful book, especially for families with someone in the family with a mental illness. The book title is ‘Yellow Butterfly’, taken from one of the poems in the book.“
Bob Reichert has a BS in Civil Engineering from Purdue University. Master’s in Urban Planning from Michigan State University. City planning activities for 15 years with a private planning consulting firm and with public agencies, living and working in Las Cruces, New Mexico, Duluth and several cities in between. Owner and manager of a small real estate investment company in Duluth for 28 years. Active in the community serving on numerous nonprofit, church, and public boards, committees, and commissions; served as chair or president of many of them. Published “Yellow Butterfly“and a 650 page book on results of genealogy research on my family. Prepared a 100 page study that went to the U of MN Board of Regents that led to opening Glensheen to the public.